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challenge / adventure / views

The via ferrata means 'iron road' because they are protected climbing paths with iron cables and iron steps or ladders, along the natural conformations of the dolomite walls. So you can climb in total safety. They are pure fun and give free adrenaline and make your holiday in the dolomite mountains unforgettable.

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Guided vie ferrate
paths / breath / silence

The towering peaks and pinnacles of the Italian Dolomites are widely regarded as some of the most stunningly beautiful mountains in the world. But the spectacular rock formations are just the beginning. Add emerald lakes, deep-cut glacial valleys, and verdant alpine meadows to the mix and the scenic beauty becomes overwhelming. You’ll see: everything comes together when hiking in the Dolomites: the rolling green pastures, the dramatic, rocky cliffs and the wide-open views.

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Guided hiking experiences in the Dolomites
fitness / views / endurance

Sky Running is a challenge unlike any other. Incorporating running up and down different routes with inclines from over 6% to sections of 30%. Full concentration and good balance is required and it helps to be quick footed. An amazing adrenalin boost - your legs might not thank you, but you’ll be rewarded by the most spectacular scenery.

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Sky running on the Sass de Stria - Dolomites
dolomia / strength / adrenaline

When the Dolomites cast their spell, one has to get vertical and climb a rock. The Dolomites are the largest lime stone climbing area in the Alps, there is an abundance of classic routes, which can be reached with short hikes from the road. The weather is southerly influenced. In terms of length of climbing relative to approach time, the Dolomites offer some of the best value you can get worldwide.

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Climbing with local guides
powder / adrenaline / crystals

The Sella Group is a massive block of Dolomite rock, famous for its steep walls and rock climbing routes. But in winter, when the massif is buried in snow, the Sella Group is famous for its couloirs. Literally a dozen couloirs drop into the valleys below, and with lift access to nearly the top of the Sella, motivated skiers can easily do many couloirs each day. Are you curious enough? Please contact us.

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Off piste skiing in the Dolomites
snow / calm / views

The Dolomites are often said to have Europe’s most dramatic landscape. Ski touring provides plenty of time to appreciate it, away from well-prepared skiing slopes and efficient lift systems. For beginners on the other hand, the Dolomites offer the possibility to skin up through the woods and ski down on piste or descending with a lift as well. In addition to that one might often use a lift for the first elevation gain and then continue skinning to the top - skiing down the whole part.

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Ski mountaineering
ice / rope / adrenaline

If you're looking for consistent ice, a variety of grades and routes, a large number of routes with a 5 minute walk in, then look no further. Serrai di Sottuguda is a deep slash formed during the ice ages as glacial meltwater gouged down through the rock. It is part of the UNESCO world heritage site, as is the Marmolada, which towers above the gorge to the west.

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Ice climbing in Alta Badia
taste / tradition / awareness

Traditional meals in the Dolomites are Knödel (dumplings), Goulasch and Barely Soup with smoked meat, influenced by the Austrian-Hungarian rule. In the last 100 years, however, the cuisine was heavily affected by italians. So don't forget to try out our variety of pasta, seafood and italian desserts, like the Tiramisú.

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Fooding days in Val Badia
the show in the Dolomites
the show in the Dolomites

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Enrosadira is a story of passion and adventure in the mountains yet to be written.